Expertexon - Your Gateway to Comprehensive Education

Welcome to Expertexon, a distinguished higher educational institution dedicated to shaping the minds of tomorrow. With a holistic approach, we offer a spectrum of educational services spanning from the pre-school level to graduation, fostering a continuous and enriching learning journey for students at every stage of their academic life.

External Degree Programs

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The BIT degree program, is a focal point for our institution's support lectures. This sought-after undergraduate degree offers students a thorough education across diverse facets of information technology, encompassing software development, database management, networking, web development, and more.
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The Business Management degree is offered as a general (external) degree by the University of Kelaniya and for that our institution serves as a center for supporting lectures for this program.
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The University of Sri Jayewardenepura offers the Bachelor of Commerce (General) External Degree, and our institution serves as a center for supporting lectures for this program. The overarching aim of the B.Com (General) External Degree program is to equip its graduates to thrive in a complex and competitive world.

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Style Selector
Oregional Skin
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Bootswatch Skins (11)
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Background Patterns
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